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European hard neutron source for this task. On 1990 BEATRIX-II started (Phase I) testing Li2O, the primary
tritium breeding candidate material for US and Japan. The following Phase II included a Li2ZrO3 pebble bed
canister until (March 1992) the FFTF was put out of service.
This report collects and reviews the main results produced during this decade by using EBR-II and FFTF fast
reactors before their final shut-down.
1.2 - Li-ceramics testing in fast reactors
The differences in neutron spectrum set a limit to get reliable evaluations of radiation damage for fusion
reactors candidate structural materials by using fission reactors as n-sources. Solid breeders are however
much less sensitive to such differences and excellent information can be obtained by testing these materials
in experimental high flux fission reactors [iv]. However thermal reactors show some limits because the large
cross section for 6Li(n,)T reaction induces self shielding and burn out; these effects could be attenuated at
expense of the Li burnup (i.e. by Cd-shielding the thermal neutron component , or by using 6Li depleted
specimens). The importance of reproducing both the burnup and the hard neutron damaging…………..

DOC – 2 L’International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) sarà costituito da un potentissimo
acceleratore di ioni deuterio che saranno scagliati su un target d litio liquido fluente alla velocità di 15 m/s
per provocare la reazione Li7(d,n)Be7 (“D-L stripping” ) che genera un flusso di neutroni da 35 MeV da
1014n/(cm2.s). In uno spazio limitato si potrà avere un accumulato flusso di neutronico (fluenza) 100 volte
più alto di quello atteso da ITER e leggermente superiore a quello che sarà per un reattore a fusione
dimostrativo (DEMO).

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